Metamorphosis begins

I have been checking on the caterpillar twice a day since I brought him in the house.  He had consumed most of the Dill I put him on, a lot of droppings too (who knew caterpillars could produce that much).  Two days ago he did a disappearing act.   He couldn’t be found either on the Dill or on the pot.  I was worried.  I thought he might have dropped down between the heater and the wall when a piece of the dill broke.  I searched  the whole area around the bay window for him.  Nowhere to be found, until I searched the back of the curtains.  There he was, hanging two and a half feet above the window sill.  He had crawled five and a half feet, three feet from the pot and two and a half up the curtain, to find a place to pupate.  He had already spun a silk thread safety line to suspend himself from the curtain and lifted his feet off the surface.

Tied himself to the curtain with a silk thread.
Hiding between the curtain and window frame

If I had known that they wander that far off in search of a place to pupate, I would have put him a fish tank with comestibles and sticks built for pupating caterpillar comfort.  Now all I have to do is figure out how to get him out of the house after he becomes a Black Swallowtail butterfly without harming him in the process.