First Appearance in Our Garden

We have two types of Swallowtail butterfly in our garden every summer, the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus) and the Black Swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes).  I raised a Black Swallowtail caterpillar in the house last year hoping to see it’s stages of transformation.  It became a butterfly in early winter which was too late to find food anywhere aside from what bloomed in the basement.  He was clearly a late bloomer, if you’ll pardon the play on words.  I hope to do it again this year but earlier in the season.  I have been looking for a caterpillar up and down the Dills and Parsleys, their favorite food, but have seen none so far.  I guess the birds have done too good of a job.

To my delight last week, I spotted a black-winged swallowtail.  When I looked closely however, it turned out to be a Spicebush Swallowtail (Papilio troilus).  This is the first time I have seen a Spicebush Swallowtail in the garden.  I saw another one yesterday.  It’s a great addition to our garden, but I still miss the Black Swallowtail , none of whom have shown themselves yet this year.  I still have my hopes up though since it’s only August.

Spicebush Swallowtail on Garden Phlox.
On another Phlox
Easter Tiger Swallowtail on Butterfly Bush
The Black Swallowtail I raised in the house last year.