Respecting Mother Earth

This is the only home we have.  Mother Earth gave life to us.  She was here millions of years before we were.  The Earth is kind enough to provide all that is necessary to allow us to exist, but if we keep destroying her, she may not be able to continue supporting us.

Blade of grass encased in ice with a blooming dandelion in the background
Blade of grass encased in ice with a blooming dandelion in the background

She can create and she can destroy.   The picture above was taken on April 5th when we had rain that turned to an ice storm in the  night. That was after we had a couple of weeks of warm weather when everything was sprouting and beginning to bloom.

We need our Earth to live, but she does not need us.  We owe it to her and to ourselves to respect her kindness, her gifts.  After all, she breathed life into us, not the other way around.