Quiet Morning

Snow fell again last night, not as much as when blizzard ‘Nemo’ blew over a few days ago.  That night I came home to see a foot of snow on the ground as well as the patio (under the roof).  Last night was peaceful and quite a beautiful night, beautiful enough to make me anxious to get up early in the morning to take photographs of the beauty before the sun melted it all away.

As much as I look forward to spring’s arrival, these are the moments that make me wish winter would last a little longer.

A different look to the garden in the morning
A different look to the garden in the morning
Himalayan musk rose in January, covered with snow
Himalayan musk rose in January, covered with snow
Himalayan musk in June, with a lot of honey scented flowers
Himalayan musk in June, with a lot of honey scented flowers